While my focus was to develop a distinctive style that encompasses type within a visual design, seen as an image, I started to incorporate words of positivity and mindful thinking which could give further meaning to a design as well as it's aesthetic value.
Working on cardboard allowed me to produce a larger design than the limits of A3 paper, and I played around with words relating to mindfulness and positivity as content for practicing.
I wanted to try out working at a larger scale, coming away from developmental sketches to work with paint and larger tools.This was just outside my house, not 'on the street' per say, but it gave me the chance to practice creating something without the restricted size of a sketchbook.
From this piece stemmed an idea to create artwork on the street that is temporary in its impermanent nature in connection to the physical wall itself. Funny story, I actually left this piece outside for several days with the intention to throw away once I had the chance to take it to a nearby skip or wait for it to be collected, but the board had gone one day and I assumed that it had been taken along with the bins. I later found out through my housemate that it now resides in the front room of a group of students not living far from us. This sparked an idea to create art for the street, for the people that is capable of being taken as a piece of artwork - something that can't be done with street art.